William Hill
Betting On Horse Racing

Finally, a last field but often can not be indicated, the overall assessment of the potential of the horse . Of course, the more the number will be higher, the better the performance potential of the animal, the more this value will be lower, the greater the possibility that these is not in the best physical shape.

Now we have all the information you need to start betting, we just need to know how to do it. Generally you can bet. A single winner on the placed, indicating the winning horse. The trio , giving the horses for the first three places, if you bet 1 euro you have to specify the exact order of arrive, you can do various systems betting.

Then there is the national tries , similar to the trio played at the national level on a given event, episode 0.50 cents basis. Quartet and quintet , are played on Wednesdays and Fridays, indicating the first four that we believe will come to the podium in quartet and the first 5 in quintet.

In the regulation of remote gambling includes both measures of a general nature, both measures governing individual games, concessions and the manner of performing. The first legal reference to which we must pay attention to regarding the game with remote participation is the Decree of the President of the Republic n.169/98 laying down rules on the reorganization of the games and horse betting , which can also be carried out by telephone or electronic communication, it follows that the decree is introduced through the 'acceptance at a distance from the dealers.

But it is thanks to the Decree of the Ministry of Finance n.156/01 that 'accepting bets from a distance is extended to all the games and this place since 2003 AIMS so start collecting experimentally betting via telephone or telecommunications permissions granted to the applicants. So it is in 2003/05 that the online game starts to draw a lot of attention on himself, giving rise to a host of new features that revolve around the world of the game, such as new methods of payment in cash to recharge Auditors game, another novelty, or prepaid cards issued by major financial institutions. In paris in disability, a team starts with an advantage or handicap of points before the match. This kind of paris is very common in American sports, it helps to always have a side equal to 1.91 even though there is a big difference between the 2 teams (in this case, the team will have a favorite great handicap points). Los Angeles Lakers +9 / -9 Dallas Mavericks If you bet on Dallas disability, they must earn more than 9 points that you win your bet. If Dallas wins 110-90 your bet is good as Dallas won 20 pts, 9 points handicap is widely exceeded. By cons, if Dallas wins only 110-105, so there your bet is wrong because there are only 5 pts ahead for Dallas. By cons, if you bet on Los Angeles your bet is good because they have only lost 5 points and you are entitled to 9 pts.